Art Direction
A holistic visual plan with a real impact on your brand. From concept creation to content development, we work
as part of your team to establish
a meaningful visual experience that sends the right brand message
to your target audience.
Visual Identity
A cross-cultural, authentic
and memorable visual identity that belongs to your brand alone. This service covers a range of applications including stationery, packaging, websties, campaigns, and more.
Packaging Design
Packaging design that transcends cultural boundaries. It captures
the core value of a product and
visually translates it to attract
your desired audience.
Bespoke Artwork
Original artwork that resonates with
a diverse audience. This can include patterns, cover art, apparel, graphics, typefaces and more.
Design Process
to thoroughly understand the cultures of both the client and the audience
with the most suitable storytelling and visual communication direction
incorporating feedback from people who share a cultural background with the target audience